
Entity Definition

Logical Name : StoreTaxHistory
Physical Name : LE_HST_STR_TX

A collection of tax totals for a tax authority for the store for a REPORTING PERIOD.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
TaxGroupRuleID (FK)(PK) System assigned unique identifier for the TaxGroupRule. ID_RU_TX_GRP Identity integer TaxRateRule(RU_TX_RT)
RetailStoreID (FK)(PK) A unique retailer assigned identifier for an RetailStore, DistributionCenter or AdministrationCenter ID_STR_RTL Identity integer StoreHistory(LE_HST_STR)
ReportingPeriodID (FK)(PK) The unique system assigned identifier for a particular ReportingPeriod. ID_PRD_RP Identity integer StoreHistory(LE_HST_STR)
TaxRateRuleSequenceNumber (FK)(PK) A squential number for theTaxRateRule, denoting the order of creation of the rules. AI_TX_RT_RU LineNumber smallint TaxRateRule(RU_TX_RT)
TaxOnSalesTotalAmount The total monetary amount of tax collected by the RetailStore. MO_SLS_TX_TOT Money decimal(16,5)
TaxableSalesTotalAmount The total monetary amount of taxable sales recorded by the RetailStore. MO_SLS_TXBL_TOT Money decimal(16,5)
TaxExemptSalesTotalAmount The total monetary amount of tax exempt sales recorded by the RetailStore. MO_SLS_TX_EXM_TOT Money decimal(16,5)
TaxExemptSalesCount The total number of tax exempt transactions recorded by the RetailStore. QU_SLS_TX_EXM QuantityTransactionCount decimal(7,0)
TaxOnPurchasesTotalAmount The total monetary amount of tax paid by the RetailStore on supply-side purchases. MO_PCH_TX_TOT Money decimal(16,5)
TaxablePurchasesTotalAmount The total monetary amount of taxable purchases made by the RetailStore on the 'supply-side' of the business. MO_PCH_TXBL_TOT Money decimal(16,5)
TaxExemptPurchasesTotalAmount The total monetary amount of tax exempt pruchases made by the RetailStore on the 'supply-side' of the business. MO_PCH_TX_EXM_TOT Money decimal(16,5)
TaxExemptPurchasesCount The number of tax exempt purchases made by the Retailer on the 'supply-side' of the business. QU_PCH_TX_EXM Quantity DECIMAL(9,3)
TaxRateRulePercent The percentage of the TaxRateRule being summarized. PE_TX_RT Percent decimal(7,4)
TaxRateRuleAmount The flat-tax amount of the TaxRateRule being summarized. MO_TX_RT MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
TaxRateRule is summarized in StoreTaxHistory
StoreHistory may include StoreTaxHistory

Logical Views containing StoreTaxHistory

Logical View
Logical 03000 - Reporting - Macro View
Logical 03000 - Reporting - Macro View
Logical 03120 - Reporting - Store Operations - Period View
Logical 05000 - Taxation - Macro View
Logical 05400 - Taxation - Reporting View - Tax Rule Reference